An article came out yesterday that universally declared anyone who supported Chick-Fil-A, Christians, and believes in the traditional definition of marriage are bigots. No word on if the author felt Obama was a bigot up until a few weeks ago, when he flip flopped on the issue. And no word if the author considers himself a bigot for ostracizing all believers.
The other day, Glenn gave a response on air to an article attacking the owners of Chick-Fil-A as bigots for their support of traditional marriage. Glenn supported the owners, saying that being pro-traditional marriage did not mean you were inherently anti-gay. The author of the article responded by calling Glenn, and anyone who agrees with him, a bigot.
"I would assume that you guys are as well, have been labeled a bigot just because, you know, I say that a sandwich shop really can't oppress anybody, I'm a bigot, you're a bigot. We're all bigots now," Glenn said.
"Dan Cathey's a COO. He does not command some sort of elite chicken police force that's grappling down the sides of people's houses. He has an ad campaign where cows suggest people eat more chicken," he said. "Besides the chicken, I don't think he's oppressing anybody."
"We didn't get into the same‑sex marriage. We didn't discuss sexuality at all. What we talked about was not mentioned in the article. What was mentioned is that now the year is 2012 and because it's 2012, all bets are off. Everything you once believed, everything that doesn't fit the new and improved belief structure in this country is apparently no longer allowed because it's 2012. No punches will be pulled. If you have a different point of view, it's okay for you to be ostracized. It's okay for you to be ridiculed. It's okay for you to be demonized. Even if you don't actually say anything hateful, if you don't even address anything about somebody else's point of view, you're a hate monger."
"Keep in mind these are the same people that hate labels and hate to be labeled. They are the same people who preach tolerance, yet they have no tolerance, especially for people who have a biblical view of the world. They preach diversity, but they only want to hear their opinion. No diverse opinions are allowed."
"The left has the same problem with the Bible that they do with the United States Constitution. Every time they talk about the Bible, it's old, it's dusty, it doesn't apply anymore. Every time they talk about the Constitution, it's old, it's dusty and the thing, it's just, we're an enlightened people now. Really? This is what enlightenment looks like? Then I'd ‑‑ I'd like to ask for a little bit more darkness if this is what it looks like in the light. Because look at what we're doing to each other. Now that we've outgrown the cute, quaint little notions of right and wrong, good and bad, evil and righteousness, this is it? And because so many Christians refuse to let go of those crazy notions, we can't tolerate them anymore. We have to be marginalized and demonized. Their scriptures have to be taken out of context, distorted, and shown how silly they really are in 2012."
"The only problem, the only problem with the left's theory is that Christians, the people who really do understand the Bible, still represent about 3/4 of this country. And you know what? I don't know about you, but I am tired of being misrepresented. I'm tired of being ridiculed. I've taken it. We've all taken it. The country has taken it. And ‑‑ because we don't hate people. And, you know, whatever. You want to say that? Whatever. But it's time it stops. And it's going to. But not through muscle, not through shutting you down. Just, we're going to dismiss you now. You're really pathetic. We're sick and tired of hearing it, and it doesn't work anymore. You keep playing your one‑note refrain of hate and bigotry and racism. Actually it's not one note. Actually I think technically that's three."